Training Programme: Qualitative Analytics for Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
Training Programme: Qualitative Analytics for Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
Transition to demand driven approach to development has ensured application of people/stakeholder centric processes at all the stages of project cycle. While there are numerous tools and techniques applied to facilitate stakeholder dialogue to feed in the information needs of the project, it is required to be pragmatic while deciding on the best-fit mix of participatory tools & techniques to be used. Further to this it is imperative to customize the tools to the local socio-economic coordinates along with systematizing the oft-neglected data analysis processes so that the information generated fits in the M&E requirements of the project.
On this premise, Sambodhi Research & Communications, announces the Training Programme on “Qualitative Analytics for Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation” from 11-13 July at New Delhi.
The training aims at:
-Developing shared understanding of need & rationale of factoring in qualitative components in conventional M&E
-Augmenting knowledge & develop skills for designing qualitative indicators
-Facilitating better understanding of tools & methodologies of Qualitative Data Collection
-Enhancing knowledge with concurrent development of requisite skills for analysis of qualitative M&E information
Sensitizing towards computer assisted content analysis using computer softwares viz. ATLAS Ti & N6 Vivo
The fee for training programme is Rs. 8,000/- per participant that includes tuition fee, reading material, lunch at the training venue and other training expenses. Outstation candidates are encouraged to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging. Sambodhi can make these arrangements on payment of an additional fee of Rs.5,000/-. Service tax at 12.24% would be levied on the course fee and has to be included in payments. Fee can be paid through Cheque/Demand Draft in favour of "Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd." payable at Delhi.
For further information Contact:
Sambodhi Research & Communications
F-40, LGF
New Delhi-110019;+ 91-11-40560734
, 65492502