Sunday, September 17, 2006

Training Programme on Basic and Advanced data analysis using SPSS

Sambodhi is a venture envisioned to offer both customized and syndicated research and communication services covering the entire gamut of social, market and financial research. To start with, Sambodhi is focusing on social research as a key area by providing M&E support services to organizations to help them design programmatic orientation, reorientation and planning.
Training programmes organized by Sambodhi is one such initiative to provide an advanced understanding of ways to analyse data.Sambodhi announces a unique opportunity for development professionals to have an in depth understanding of basic and advanced data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

Training Programme on “Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS” from
24 to 27 October

Training Programme on “Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS” is second in the series of training programme on SPSS. The earlier programme in the series were held at Delhi and had participation from leading development agencies viz. UNICEF, CARE India, Action Aid, CRY, HLFPPT, BBC World Service Trust etc. The training programme would provide information on the use of SPSS for informed decision-making. After attending the training programme the participants will be able to:

§ Input data into SPSS.§ Select appropriate data analysis techniques

§ Perform the analyses using SPSS§ Interpret the data output for various decision making needs

§ Present output to specific users in a user-friendly manner.

This training program is for professionals, researchers and practitioners involved in analysing data within organizations contributing towards different decision-making needs. Those involved in quantitative research will benefit by learning new quantitative data analysis skills and those involved in qualitative research, will expand their skills portfolio to include quantitative techniques. This training program will also be valuable for consultants involved in assignments that produce quantitative or qualitative data.PedagogyThe training programme is designed to appeal to different learning styles, with an emphasis on active participation. The pedagogy for the programme would focus both at knowledge development and skill upgradation through interactive and hands-on learning. Latest training material developed by subject experts would augment classroom learning. Participants will be provided with example data sets to analyse and gain experience.

Location: Delhi

Program Fee: The fee for the training program is Rs.10,000 per participant. This includes tutorials, reading and reference materials provided, lunch at the training venue and other training expense. Outstation candidates are encouraged to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging. Sambodhi can make these arrangements for outstation candidates on payment of an additional fee of Rs.5,000. Fee can be paid through Demand Drafts in favor of "Sambodhi Research and Communications Pvt. Ltd." payable at Delhi.

For further information contact:, or call at 011-65492502 or 09811822157


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